If you study here, you will receive a great education – something which lasts a lifetime. Beyond that, the extraordinary range of opportunities allows you to determine your student life at Adama Polytechnic College – it really can be what you want it to be. There is no typical Adama Polytechnic College Trainee, and no single College experience. At the end of their time here, we want our graduates to have the self-belief to be whoever they want to be, and to feel confident and excited about their future. We Want Them To Work Professionally By What They Trained. 

An Exceptional Training.

Adama Polytecnic College Provides Quality Training For Its Trainees

Supportive and Welcoming Community

An Amazing College Community


Adama Polytechnic College Has a Handball, Pool, Tennis and Other Sport Areas

College Clubs

More Than 10 Clubs In The College

College Recreational Area

Fresh Recreational Areas In The College

Health Center

Efficient First Aid Center

Career Counseling

The Best Counseling Service In the College.

Choosing a Major

The Helpful Community In Choosing Major

Voluntarism and Community Service

Number Community Service To Play Part