Adama Polytechnic College Finance Office provides financial services to the college community as per the regulation of the federal and regional finance bureaus. Internal auditors are put in place by the office of finance to check the flow of cash and accountancy. The office serves a range of customers such as trainees, vendors and staff members). The finance manager is responsible for overseeing the office of finance. 

Finance Office

Finance Office Contains Different Groups Organized To The serve the college community according to their different needs

Tuition Fee Is Only Required From Extension Students. Regular Trainees Pay Required  Cost Sharing Payments Using The Following Bank and Account Number

  • Bank Name: Cooperative Bank Of Oromia
  • Acc. No: ————————————-
  • Bank Name: Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia
  • Acc. No: ————————————-
  • Bank Name: Cooperative Bank Of Oromia
  • Acc. No: ————————————-
  • Bank Name: Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia
  • Acc. No: ————————————-
  • Level I: 180
  • Level II: 200
  • Level III: 200
  • Level IV: 200
  • Level V: 250
  • Level I:
  • Level II:
  • Level III:
  • Level IV:
  • Level V:
  • Level I:
  • Level II:
  • Level III:
  • Level IV:
  • Level V:
  1. Outdated Receipts Are Unacceptable. 
  2. Any Payments should be concluded on specified period of time.
  3. Misleading and Unreadable Name on the Bank Receipt Is Questionable By Law.
  4. Any Payments made on bank other than the bank mentioned is unacceptable.
  5. Payments with penalty Would be made if, the payments couldn’t be made on time.

From 8:00 AM in the morning To 5:00 PM in the evening

Finance Office SERVICES

College Budgeting

The Finance Office of The College Provides Budgeting Services to the college

Accounting Service

The Office also Provides Accounting Services to the college community


Any External Purchases are Funded under the college finance office


The Colleges sales and related issues are supported by the finance office

Financial Report

College's Financial Statements Are prepared by the office


Forecasting sales or any financial future of the college is supported by the office