Kollleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa


Kilaastarri  Adaamaa Meedaaliyaa 23n  1ffaa ba’ee  Geeba  badhaafmnera. Hojichi kan keenya hunda waan ta’eef, dorgomuun, mo’achuun itti fufa


Bitootessa 16,2016 Adaamaa

Waajjira Carraa Hojii Uumuu fi Ogummaa Bul/Mag/Adaamaatti Sagantaa Jalqabbii Leenjii Dargaggootaa Marsaa Lammaffaa Pirojeektii “Biqaat” Adaamaa 

Kollleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Bitootessa 06,2016 ADAAMAA
Kolleejjii Poolii teekinika Adaamaatti Bitootessa 02/2016 irra eegalee Leenjiin humna raawwachisummaa cimsu mata dureewwan  sadii irratti xiyyeeffatee leenjistootaa fi hojjattoota deeggarsaa KPT Adaamaa, Wanjii fi Awaash tiif kennamaa ture goolabame.
Dhuma irratti Sagantichi  Interpiraayizoota Magaalaa Adaamaa keessa jiran Do’aachuun Xumurameera.

Oduu Gammachiuisaa!

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa Keessatti Dhiqaa Konkoolataa,Sakkatta’insa Boolloo fi Hayyama Konkolaachisummaa Gatii madaalawwaan Jalqabeera.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

BCHUO Oromiyaatti Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinikaa Adaamaa fi Poolii Teekinika Wanjii Leenjii Ijaarsa Dandeettii Leenjistootaa fi Hojjettota

Bitootessa 2-6-2016


Kollleejjii Poolii Teekika Adaamaa

Ayyaanni Dubartootaa(March 8) bifa ho’aa ta’een Kolleejjii poolii Teekinika Adaamaa keessatti kabajameera.

Inisheetivii Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamatti hojjetamaa jiran

Kollleejjii Poolii Teekika Adaamaa

Leenjiin yaadama haaraa BCHUOO (DNA) guyyaa har’a hogganttoota kolleejjota kilaastara keenyaa fi Waajjiraalee CHUO ‘f kenname.


Kollleejjii Poolii Teekika Adaamaa


Kollleejjii Poolii Teekika Adaamaa

Fulbaana 10,2015

Leenjistootaa fi hojjattoota Kolleejjii keenyaaf hubannoo kennuun sirni leenjii keenya ciminaa fi amantummaan akka itti fufu, gahee nurraa eegamu haa baanu jechuun sagantaan baninsaa adeemsifameera. Bara hojii gaarii fi milkii haawwina! ለኮሌጃችን አሰልጣኞችና ሰራተኞች ስልጠና በመስጠት የምቀጥለውን ስራ በቁርጠኝነትና  ታማኝነት እንድናከናውን አቅጣጫ ተቀምጧል:: መልካምና  የስኬት ሥራ ዘመን እንመኛለን!!!

Kollleejjii Poolii Teekika Adaamaa

Fulbaana 09, 2015

Fooraamiin Indaastiriiwwanii magaalaa Adaamaa, magaalaa Adaamaatti taa’ame

Fooramicha irratti dureeyyiin magaalaa Adaamaa, hoji gaggeessitoonni waarshaalee paarkii indaastirii Adaamaa, hojjettoonni koolleejjii poolii teknika Adaamaa fi qooda fudhattoonni biroo hirmaataniiru.
Fooramicha kan qindeesse koolleejjii poolii teknikaa Adaamaa yoo ta’u, Kaayyoon Fooramichaa walitti hidhamiinsa humna namaa ogummaan ga’oomee fi indaastiriiwwanii kan bu’uureffatee dha.
Indaastiriiwwan humna nama ogummaan ga’oome barbaaduu, kanaaf koollejjiin ammoo humna ga’oome oomishuuf hojjeta, kana lamaan walitti hidhuun carraa hojii jiru irratti humna namaa ga’oome baay’isuufi carraa hojii babal’isuu irrtti mari’atameera.
Hirmaattonni marichaa yaada kennaniin mariin kun hanqina ogummaa ture furee carraa hojii bal’aas uumuu akka danda’uudha.
Obbo Tashaalee Dhugumaa Diinii koollejjii Poolii teknikaa Adaamaati. Hanqinaalee ogummaafi humna nama ga’oomee dura turan furuun indaastiriiwwan hanqinni humna namaa akka hin mudanneef xiyyeeffatamee hojjetamaa jira jedhan.

Eebba Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinikii Adaamaa Adoolessa 30, 2014

Kolleejjiin Poolii Teeknika Adaamaa leenjifamtoota gulantaa 1431 fi sagantaa digirii jalqabaa 66 leenjisaa ture walumaagalatti leenjifamtoota 1497 marsaa 38ffaa f guyyaa har’aa sirna ho’aan eebbisee jira. Eebifamtootii fi Maatiin Eebifamtootaa Baga Gammaddan!

Kollleejjii Poolii Teekika Adaamaa

Adoolessa 15,2014 Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaatti karoorri 2015 Diinii Kolleejichaa Obbo Tashalee Dhugumaatiin dhiyaateera.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Cufiinsa Kaayizinii KPTA kan bara 2014

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaatti hojiin kaayizinii Leenjistootaa fi hojjettoota Kolleejichaan hojjetamaa ture garee sadarkaa 1 – 3ffaa bahaniif geeba kennuutiin xumurameera. sagantaa kana irratti sagantaan jalqabbii biqilaa dhaabuu fi  hojjettoota sooroma ba’aniif geggessaan ta’eeraaf.

Ashaaraa Magariisa 
Adoolessa 11, 2014 Magaalaa Adaamaa ganda Angaatuutti Leenjistootaa fi Hojjettoota koleejichaan biqiltuun baay’een dhaabbateera.

Sagantaan Eebbaa Leenjiifamtoota KPTA Bara 2014 Adoolessa 30/2014

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaatti Siistemni Madaallii Leenjifamtoota ittiin madaalan hojii eegaleera.

Adama Polytechnic College

21st June 2022


Solar PV System Technician Graduates Collaborative Result of ADRA Ethiopia, Adama PTC and Rift Vally TVET college with help of Funding from BMZ

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Kolleejjii poolii Teeknika Adaamaa bara 2014f barattoota carraa barnoota hin arganee simaachuun leenjisuu barbaada. Haaluma kanaan Barattootni bara 2011 dura baruumsa kuta 10 xumurtan fi Bara 2012 dura kutaa 12 xumurtan Magaalaa Adaamaa fi Naannoo Adaamaa akkasumaas iddoo adda adda irraa dhuftan simaachuuf qophii xumuree jira.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Caamsaa 20,2014

Bulchiinsi Magaalaa Adaamaa injifannoo waldorgommii dandeettii ogummaa fi Tèeknoolojii Sadarkaa Oromiyyaatti gaggeeffameen Injifannoo galmaa’eef Sagantaa Qophaa’een Hawaasa Kolleejjii Poolii Teeknika Adaamaa Galateeffate.

Saganticharratti Afa yaa’ii mana maree Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Adaamaa Addee Hinseenee Muhaammad akkasumas Ittaaanaa Kantibaa  Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Adaamaa Obboo Muhaammad Guyyee dabalatee hooggantootni magaalattii argamaniiru.

obboo Tashaalaan  Qaamolee milkaa’ian kanaaf gumaachan hundas galateffatan . Hojii hojjetameen  yeroo tokko osoo hin taane yeroo sadaffaa itti deddeebi’uun injifannee badhaafamneerra.

Ittaanaan Kantibaa  Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Adamaa Obboo Muhaammad Guyyee,Kolleejjiin Poolii Teeknikaa Adaamaa hojii boonsaa magaalattiin walgitu raawwataa jiraa kanaaf immoo leenjitoota,leenjiftootaa fi hojjattoota deeggarsaa kollejjichaatiif galatatu mala jedhan.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Baga Gammaddan! 

Kilaastarri Shawaa Bahaatti Kolleejjiin Poolii Teeknika Adaamaa Dorgommii Dandeettii  Ogummaa,teeknoolojii,Qorannoo fi qo’annoo Qopheessummaa Biiroo Carraa Hojii Uumuu fi ogummaa Oromiyaatiin Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa keessatti Gaggeeffameen meedaaliyaawwan 21 argatee waliigalaan 1ffaa Bahuun Geeba Fudhate.

Caamsaa 15, 2014

Sagantaan Badhaasaafi Beekamtii Mo’attoota Waldorgommii Dandeettii Ogummaa, Teekinooloojii, Qorannoof Qo’annoofi Kalaqa Addaa Bara 2014 marsaa 3ffaa Sadarkaa Naannoo Oromiyaa magaalaa Adaamaa Galma Abbaa Gadaatti gaggeeffameera.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Caamsaa 13, 2014
Egzibiishiniifi Baazaariin Agarsiisa Teekinooloojii Bara 2014 ifaatti baname.
Egzibiishiniifi Baazaariin Agarsiisa Teekinooloojii dhaadannoo “Ogummaa fi Kalaqni Bu’uura Qaroominaati” jedhuun Bara 2014 sadarkaa Naannootti Marsaa 3ffaatiif magaalaa Adaamaatti gaggeeffamu jila Afyaa’ii Caffee Oromiyaa aadde Sa’aadaa Abdurahmaaniin durfamuun ifatti saaqamee jira.
Sirna saaqinsa Egzibiishiniifi Baazariin boodas daawwannaan teekinooloojiiwwan leenjistoota, leenjifamtootaa fi waldaalee intarpiraayizootaan kalaqamanii gaggeeffameera.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Caamsaa 12,2014

Waldorgommii Dandeettii Ogummaa, Kalaqa Teekinooloojii fi Qorannoof Qo’annoo leenjistoota, leenjifamtootaa fi waldaalee intarpiraayizootaa  Biiroo Carraa Hojii Uumuu fi Ogummaaa Oromiyaatiin akka   Naannootti Qopha’e Caamsaa 12-15/2014 A.L.I tti geggeeffamu irratti Keessummoota gara Kolleejjii keenyaa dhufan bifa hawwataa fi si’aayina qabuun simatamaniiru.


Daawwannaa Boordii

Daawwannaa Boordii KPT Adaamaa guyyaa 29/08/2014 Taasifame

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Waldorgommii Ogummaa akka Naannoo keenyaa Marsaa 3ffaa Muxannoo qabnu qindeessuun  Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinikaatti guyyaa 12-15/09/2014 ni geggeeffama.

Kaayyoon Dorgommichaas:-Oromiyaa Ogummaa Badhaate ykn Ummata naannichaa Iyyummaa Ogummaa keessa jiru Ogummaa gonfachiisuun biyya keenya daandii Badhaadhinaaf karaa mijeessuu dha.


  1. Metal Manufacturing  –  Machining L- III   – Mechanics L-III      -Welding L-III
  2. Automotive    – Vehicle Engine L-III                                                                 – Electronics service L- III
  3. Electro Technology                                                         – Instrumentation & control services L- III
  4.  ICT        – HNS L- III   – DBA L-III
  5. Leather Product    – Foot ware production L-II

6. Garment Textile  –Advanced Apparel production L-III                          7. Tourism   – Food & Beverage Service L- III – Hotel Operation L-III       8.Building Construction    – Masonry L- III                                                                   –Plumbing Installation L- III                                                                                            – Building Electrical Installation L- III                                                             9. Furniture Making                                                                                                                    –Furniture Making Level III

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Ebla 13, 2014
Waldorgommii Dandeettii Ogummaa, Kalaqa Teekinooloojii fi Qorannoof Qo’annoo leenjistoota, leenjifamtootaa fi waldaalee intarpiraayizootaa gidduutti sadarkaa  Kilaastaraatti gaggeeffamaa ture dorgomtoota sadarkaa 1-3 ba’aniif Waraqaan Ragaa fi Badhaasi  guyyaa har’aa KPTA keessatti  kennameera.

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa


Leenjii Gaggabaaboo Qaama miidhamtootaaf Oomisha Saamunaa irratti kenname

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa


Gabaasa ji’a 3 hojii kaayizanii

Adamaa poolii teekinikii  keessatti hojiin kaayizanii jia’a 3(sadii)f hojjetamaa ture gabaafame.

Bitootessa 04,2014
Dhaabanni miti mootummaa “VET 4 Africa” jedhamu leenjifamtoota univarsitii irraa ba’an ogummaa “soolarii irratti ” akka ga’oomaan leenjii kennaa jiran.
Bitootessa 03,2014

Industry linkage with Adama Polytechnic college

Biiroo Carraa Hojii Uumuu fi Ogummaa Oromiyaa

Bitootessa 29, 2014
Dorgommiin dandeettii ogummaa, Teekinooloojifi Qorannoof Qo’annoo Sadarkaa Kolleejjota BLTO fi Kilaastaraatti gaggeeffamaa jira.
Biiroon Carraa Hojii Uumuu fi Ogummaa Oromiyaa Sagantaa wal-dorgommii Dandeettii ogummaa, Kalaqa Teekinooloojii fi Qorannoof Qo’annoo leenjistoota, leenjifamtootaa fi waldaalee intarpiraayizootaa gidduutti wagga waggaan gaggeeffamu kan bara kanaa Bitootessa 12 bara 2014 irraa eegalee akka gaggeeffamuuf kallattii kaa’een dorgommiin kun sirna ho’aafi miidhagaa ta’een sadarkaa dhaabbilee leenjii fi sadarkaa kilaastaraatti gaggeeffamaa jira.
Kolleejjotni BLTO fi Kilaastarootni dorgommii kana gaggeessanii utuu hinxumuriin jiran torbee kana keessatti xumuruun gabaasa isaa biiroo akka qaqqabsiisan abdii qabna.

Biiroo Carraa Hojii Uumuu fi Ogummaa Oromiyaa

Bitootessa 29, 2014
Biiroon CHUO Oromiyaa gamaggama raawwii hojii ji’oottan sagalii (Kurmaana 3ffaa) fi haala yeroo biyyaa irratti hojjettootasaa sadarkaa naannoo waliin marii’ate.
Biiroon Carraa Hojii Uumuufi Ogummaa Oromiyaa gamaggama raawwii hojii ji’oottan salgan darbaniifi haala yeroo biyyaa irratti hojjettoota isaa sadarkaa naannoo waliin Magaalaa Finfinnee Galma Baankii Siinqeetti marii gaggeessaa jira.
Kaayyoo waltajjichaa kan ibsan gorsaan hogganaa biirichaa obbo Aliyyee Umar, waltajjiin kun hojjettootni mana hojichaa hundi raawwii hojii sekterichaafi haala yeroo biyyaa irratti hubannoo walfakkaataa qabaatanii ciminaafi hanqina raawwii hojii hanga ammaatti jiru keessatti gaheen isaanii maal akka tureefi garafuulduraatti immoo maal raawwachuu akka qaban kaasuun bal’inaan irratti marii’achuudhaan ergama sekterichaa galmaan gahuuf gahee isaanirraa eegamu qixa barbaadamuun akka bahatan taasisuurratti kan bu’uureffate ta’uu ibsaniiru.

Gamaggama raawwii hojii ji’oottan sagalii kanaan: Tarsiimoo ogummaa leenjii bu’aarratti xiyyeeffaterratti hubannoo hanga caasaa gadiitti uumamuu, pooteenshaala Carraa Hojii nama 1,534,539 (% 95.9) sektara hojii torbaniin adda bahee jiraachuu, Sadarkaa Naannoorraa kaasee hanga aanaatti koomaandi poostii hundeessuun raawwii hojii guyya guyyaatti fudhachuun torbaniin sadarkeessuun duubdeebii kennaa deemuu, rakkoo gama yaa’insa ragaafi odeeffannoon jiru furuuf “Software”n sadarkaa Birroo irraa kaasee hanga kolleejiitti ittiin fayyadamuun ragaan sassabamu ofdanda’e akka qophaa’u taasifamuun akka ciminaatti yoo adda bahan; hojiin iaalcha jijjiiruu bal’inaan hojjetamuu dhabuu, qorannoo fedhii gabaa hojii duraaf boodaa xiyyeeffannoon xumuramuu dhabuu, raawwiin hojii godinaaleefi magaalota gidduutti garaagarummaa qabaachuu fi raawwiin kennaafi deebii liqii hanga barbaadame deemuu dhabuun akka hanqinaatti adda bahanii jiru.

Waltajjii marii kanaan karooraafi gabaasni Sosochii Kenna Tajaajilaa Biirichaa akkasumas murtoowwan yaa’ii 1ffaa paartii Badhaadhinaatiin darban irrattis kan marii’atamu yoota’u, xumura waltajjichaarratti Hoogganaan Biirichaa obbo Ahimad Idriis kallattii hojii garafuulduraa ni kennu jedhamee eegama.

Adama polytechnic college satelite campus.

Beeksisa carraa leenjii sad.digrii jalqabaa  @Adama polytechnic college satelite campus.
Bitooteessa 27,2014
Suppervision from KFW groups & experiene sharing at APTC

Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaa

Bitootessa 23,2014

Qindeessuu/Set in Order/ KPTA keessatti  Garee Misoomaa Kaayiziniitiin hojjetamaa ture bifa ho’aa ta’een garee 1-3ffaa ba’aniif  warqaa raga kennuudhaan xumurameera.  Leenjifamtoota DBA IV tiin ‘Web site’ hojjetamefis beekamtiin kennameera.

'Web site' KPTA

Leenjifamtoota Kolleejjii Poolii Teekinika Adaamaattii DBA gulantaa IV leenjia’aniin ‘Web site’ hojjetameef beekamtiin kenname.

Simannaan haaraa bara 2014 itti fuufee jira.

ogummaaleen haaraa sadii sirna leenjii BLTO keessatti dabalamaniiru                                              Three new educational sectors are going to be included in the technical and vocational training system.

Three new educational sectors are going to be included in the technical and vocational training system.
From 2015. It has been said that the educational fields that will be implemented starting from the school year will increase communication and patriotism.
The types of education ፦
👉 Civic and Patriotism
👉 It has been revealed that they are communication and language.
According to the new education and training map, the minister of labor and skills DTA Baker Shale (Dr) has said that the three educational fields are included in the technical and vocational education and training system.
Minister DATaw said that the education types encourage creativity, broaden the job options abroad and increase the love of the country.
It has been reported that the systemic education and teaching module is being prepared for the educational sectors that will be given next year.
Ogummalee armaan gaditiin gulantaa 1 hanga 5 sagantaa idilee,sanbataa fi galgalaan simachaa jirra.
ከዝህ በታች በተዘረዘሩ የሙያ ዘርፎች ከደረጃ 1 እስከ 5 በመደበኛ; በሳምንታዊ እና በማታ ፕሮግራም እየተቀበልን ነው። ይምጡ እና ይመዝገቡ!

TVT Institute

May be an image of 7 people, people sitting and indoor

May be an image of 2 people, people sitting and indoor

May be an image of 6 people, people sitting and indoor

Starting from the coming school year, it has been announced that education sectors that will increase communication and patriotism will definitely be included in the training system.
March 18/2014 E. What is this?
According to the new education and training map, the three fields of education will be included in the technical and vocational education and training system, the minister of skills announced.
Minister D.R. Beker Shale has said that the types of education encourage innovation, expand job opportunities abroad and raise love for the country.
The forms of education are also entrepreneurship, civic and patriotism and communication and language, a system of education and teaching module is being prepared.

የሥራ እና ክህሎት ሚኒስቴር - ኢትዮጵያ / Ministry of Labor and Skills- Ethiopia

May be an image of 3 people, people sitting and indoor

May be an image of 10 people, people sitting and indoor

“Digitalizing training equipment will improve the quality, accessibility and speed of training.”
The study that has been discussed in two rounds about the participation of regional technical and vocational office leaders, college deans and agro-processing vocational training in our country has been completed.
The Ministry of Labor and Skills of the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation UNESCOBEAR II has organized the project program in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, UNESCOBEAR II, which is designed to provide online training to professionals selected in Agro-processing fields of expertise for the development of digital content and system, draft guidelines and digital content preparation. Awareness for Agro Processing Professional Trainers on Jet. It’s a dream to be created.
Mrs. Tigist Kebede, the leader of the Ministry of Work and Skills, the team of training and training tools, said that countries will implement the system where they get education and training to expand the quality and accessibility of education and to ensure the lack of basic content.
According to this, in collaboration with the project, in Agro-processing skills, “Fruit and vegetable processing” training equipment is prepared in the field of training with the new level of skill, digital training content is prepared by the content of digital training and content of the prepared application platform will be given to other professional fields in order to expand the experience and efficiency of the application platform and practical training will be provided to other professional fields. For Wal.
At the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization, Mr. Demsew Lemma, the project coordinator, has been working with the concerned entities that are concerned about the project to provide a comfortable working environment for youth and to be creative.
In this way, a training program has been organized for 10 professional levels of Agro-processing professional field. It has pointed out that taking the digital content program that has been conducted in the sector as a sample will increase the quality and accessibility of the training and it should be expanded to other professions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3/26/2022

The Training Vice Dean of APTC Participated In Colleges Beauty Program

College Beauty Program With The Vice Dean

The Vice Dean Of Adama Polytechnic College, Mr. Chala Girma Has Participated In Colleges Beauty Program That all the colleges society participated in. Mr. Chala With Their Subordinates Involved and Participated in Creating The Beauty Program Which Aimed at Making The college More Beautiful Than Its Current Status.  

December 8, 2021

The Trainers Of APTC Cleaning The College.

The College Cleaning Program of Adama Polytechnic College Has Been Joined By Many of The Colleges Trainers and Workers. All the trainers of the college dividing by their sectors participated in the college beauty program of 2014 with complete passion and commitment. The Trainers Also implied that cleaning the college is for the common good of the colleges society and they have implied it protects the health and safety of the colleges society.  The Program Has Been Joined By All The society of the college of each department and sector of the college, with their respective trainees. 

December 8, 2021

Trainers and Trainees of Agriculture Department Harvested Their Pepper Product

The Department Head of Agriculture, Mr. Bane and His trainees harvested Pepper product which they planted for teaching and learning purposes.  Department of agriculture plants different agricultural products in the college compound with daily follow up.  As the department Head Said  “We, as the leading sector in the college, should create a way to increase the agricultural products in the college and outside of the college”. The students under the departments being with their trainers planted a pepper product and they harvested their interesting result of the planted pepper. 

November 23, 2021