Frequently asked qestions

In Addition To Experienced Trainers In The College Both Campuses, The College Offers Quality Based Training. The College Is Known For;

  • Quality Training
  • Experienced Trainers
  • Fulfilled Learning Equipments
  • Focuses on The Practical Areas

Yes, Dambala Campus Is One of the Campuses Under Adama Polytechnic College. The Campus Is Maintained Under The Same Higher Leadership. The Campus Is Found In Adama City, 09 Kebele.

Adama Polytechnic College Doesn’t Offer a degree Program yet, But There is a Uiversity In Adama Polytechnic College Compound(Ethiopian Technical University Adama Satellite Campus) Which Offers a degree program in Extension and Weekend Division. 

Apart From Small Amount of Registration Fee, COC Examination Fee, Cost Sharing Fee, Adama Polytechnic College Offers A Free Training For The College Trainees. Adama Polytechnic College Doesn’t Ask For Any Tuition fee whatsoever.

Yes, Music Department is One of The Newly Added Departments In Adama Polytechnic College Dambala Campus.

There Are about Five Sectors In Adama Polytechnic college. Each sectors contains Many Departments Under  Them. Look Them Up Here!

Adama Polytechnic College Entrance Cutting Points are Determined By Ministry of Education. Cutting Points For Students From Grade 10th and 12th Are Different and they both are determined by the ministry.

The starting history of Adama Poly Technic College as an educational institution could be traced back to Emperor Haile Sillassie when he laid the foundation stone in 1939, by giving “Nazareth Primary School” as its first name. The last sixty nine years (75 years) of advancement towards its present college status has witnessed several significant transformations.

More Than 2000 Small Micro Enterprises are Maintained Under Adama Polytechnic College Industry Extension Office.

Adama Polytechnic College Was Founded In 1939 E.C. We Are Celebrating Our 75th years This Year. 

Adama Polytechnic College Trophy Twice For Many Different Reasons. The College Has More Than 22 Certificates Awarded For His Quality Training, Kaizen Implementations, Technology Extension, Small Micro Enterprise Ingration. 

Adama Polytechnic College Was Awarded a Trophy For being The 1st Best Polytechnic College In Oromia In 2007 E.C. There  Are No Recent Records Of College Rank Set. 

Yes, Adama Polytechnic College Offers Short Term Training Under Many Of It’s Departments.

  • Basic Computer Training 
  • Basic Electrical Electronics. 
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Computer Troubleshooting and Maintenance
  • Basic Computer Networking
  • Basic Tool Maintenance

No, But Adama Polytechnic College Assesses Its Trainees Many Times Before The Official COC examination and That is Why Percentage of trainees who pass COC Examination at Adama Polytechnic College is High.

It Might Be Defferent from time To time, But The official completion period for every level is 6 month.